
Logical Reasoning for CAT 2025: How to Prepare, Type of Questions, Previous Year Questions with Answers

Last Updated on February 24, 2025 by Prof. SK Agarwal

Logical Reasoning (LR) is a key part of the Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) section in the CAT exam. Logical Reasoning for CAT evaluates a candidate’s ability to analyze patterns, identify relationships, and solve complex problems using logical reasoning. CAT Logical Reasoning questions do not require any specific mathematical formulas, but require reasoning and structured problem solving ability. Common Logical Reasoning questions in CAT exam include arrangements, puzzles, blood relations, syllogisms, Venn diagrams, and logical sequences. Read how to prepare for CAT Logical Reasoning section. Also check Logical Reasoning questions with answers below. 

Table of Content

  • 1. CAT Exam Pattern

  • 2. CAT 2024 Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning Section - Type of Questions

  • 3. What is Logical Reasoning for CAT 2025?

  • 4. Logical Reasoning for CAT Syllabus

  • 5. Logical Reasoning for CAT Preparation Strategy

  • 6. Logical Reasoning for CAT Preparation Books and Material

  • 7. Logical Reasoning for CAT 2025 Preparation Tips by Toppers

  • 8. Logical Reasoning for CAT Previous Year Question Papers

1. CAT Exam Pattern

Before we discuss how to prepare for CAT Logical Reasoning Section, it is important to understand the overall CAT exam pattern and type of questions appeared in previous CAT exams. CAT 2024 Exam Pattern was same across all the three slots. Check table below. However, there were minor changes in section wise compositions. 

CAT 2024 Exam Pattern for Slot 1, 2, 3 

CAT Exam ComponentsNo of Questions (Divided in MCQs & Non MCQs)Sectional Time Limit (In Minutes)Scoring Pattern (Negative Marking is only for MCQs)
Section-1: Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)2440+3 for Correct; -1 for Incorrect; 0 for Not Attempted
Section-2: Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)2240+3 for Correct; -1 for Incorrect; 0 for Not Attempted
Section-3: Quantitative Ability (QA)2240+3 for Correct; -1 for Incorrect; 0 for Not Attempted

2. CAT 2024 Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning Section - Type of Questions

Slot 1 CAT 2024 Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning Section - Type of Questions

Slot 2 CAT 2024 Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning Section - Type of Questions

Slot 3 CAT 2024 Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning Section - Type of Questions

AreaSet DescriptionNo. of QuestionsQuestion Type
Data InterpretationStock price-based candlestick graph for 7 stocks43 MCQ, 1 TITA
Data InterpretationBar graph showing 3 people visiting different countries42 MCQ, 2 TITA
Logical ReasoningTournament of 6 teams split into two groups, teams play within & across groups55 TITA
Logical ReasoningWeb surfers assigning thirty stars43 MCQ, 1 TITA
Data InterpretationElection between two candidates, comparatively lengthy set54 MCQ, 1 TITA
AreaSet DescriptionNo. of QuestionsQuestion Type
Logical ReasoningRating - 8 Gymnasts52 MCQ 3 TITA
Data Interpretation6 firms, PAT, Es, PRD - 2 graphs44 MCQ 0 TITA
Logical ReasoningSchematic diagram of walkways - Lake42 MCQ, 2 TITA
Logical Reasoning1 to 10 numbers to be arranged in 10 slots with conditions52 MCQ, 3 TITA
Data InterpretationEcommerce rating distribution - cumulative42 MCQ, 2 TITA
AreaSet DescriptionNo. of QuestionsQuestion Type
Data InterpretationBar graph on App subscription44 MCQ
Data InterpretationLine graph on Temperature of a room with AC in power mode52 MCQ 3 TITA
Logical ReasoningNetwork of roads and ATMs44 TITA
Logical ReasoningProteins, Carbohydrates in food items53 MCQ, 2 TITA
Data InterpretationTable on GDP of 10 countries43 MCQ, 1 TITA
TotalData Interpretation and Logical Reasoning22MCQ and TITA

3. What is Logical Reasoning for CAT 2025?

After understanding CAT exam pattern and type of questions appearing in this section, lets understand in detail what is CAT Logical Reasoning Section? 

Logical Reasoning (LR) is a key part of the Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) section in the CAT exam. Logical Reasoning for CAT evaluates a candidate’s ability to analyze patterns, identify relationships, and solve complex problems. It is important to note here that questions in CAT Logical Reasoning section do not require any specific mathematical formulas, but require reasoning and structured problem solving ability. 

Common Logical Reasoning questions in CAT exam include arrangements, puzzles, blood relations, syllogisms, Venn diagrams, and logical sequences. Read more in next section. 

4. Logical Reasoning for CAT Syllabus

CAT logical reasoning syllabus includes topics that test a candidate’s ability to answer logical questions. While there is no fixed CAT LR syllabus, the key topics covered in this section are in table below.

Question TypeDescription
Seating ArrangementsQuestions based on linear, circular, or rectangular arrangements, requiring logical placement of people or objects based on given conditions.
Blood RelationsTests the ability to analyze family relationships and determine connections between individuals.
SyllogismsInvolves logical deductions based on given statements using concepts like "All," "Some," and "None."
Coding-DecodingQuestions where words, letters, or numbers follow a pattern or code that must be identified to decode information.
Direction SenseRequires understanding movement-based clues to determine direction and final positions.
PuzzlesLogical sets involving constraints and conditions that require systematic analysis to arrive at a solution.
Venn Diagrams & Set TheoryQuestions involving overlapping sets, intersections, and unions, requiring logical grouping of data.
Input-OutputBased on sequences of inputs being processed through a logical pattern, requiring identification of underlying rules.
Clocks & CalendarsQuestions related to time calculations, angles in clocks, and calendar-based date problems.
Logical SequencesRequires identifying the missing element in a given pattern or sequence based on logical rules.
Data Sufficiency (Logical Reasoning)Tests whether given statements provide enough information to answer a logical reasoning question.

5. Logical Reasoning for CAT Preparation Strategy

CAT Logical Reasoning Preparation Strategy involves understanding different types of LR questions and finding their solutions. Logical Reasoning for CAT preparation tips are as follows: 

  1. Understand Key Question Types: Familiarize yourself with different types of Logical Reasoning questions such as arrangements, puzzles, blood relations, and Venn diagrams. This will help you solve them efficiently.
  2. Develop a Step-by-Step Approach: To solve LR questions effectively, break down complex questions/problems into smaller parts, identify constraints, and create a structured approach to solving them. 
  3. Use Diagrams and Tables: For puzzles, seating arrangements, and Venn diagrams, use “visual representation methods” like preparing tables and flowcharts to simplify information and avoid confusion. As you read the question, you can prepare a diagram on paper which will help you solve it.  
  4. Improve your Analytical Thinking: Strengthen your logical and deduction skills by solving general brain teasers, Sudoku, and reasoning-based puzzles. This helps in developing a logical mindset.
  5. Learn Shortcuts and Techniques: Time-saving techniques like elimination methods, pattern recognition, and approximation can help you to solve LR problems quickly.
  6. Take Sectional Tests, Mocks and Past Year Papers: After understanding fundamental concepts, attempt sectional tests and full-length mock exams regularly. Solve LR questions from previous CAT papers to understand the difficulty level, trends, and types of logical reasoning sets frequently asked in the CAT exam.

6. Logical Reasoning for CAT Preparation Books and Material

Now that you have understood the type of questions and preparation approach, read about best CAT Logical Reasoning for CAT preparation books and material. 

  1. How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT by Arun Sharma: Covers all major LR topics with a structured approach, solved examples, and practice exercises from basic to advanced levels. Read more about latest editions and prices of Arun Sharma CAT Preparation Books
  2. Previous Year CAT Papers: Solving actual CAT questions from past years helps understand exam patterns and difficulty levels. Check CAT Mock Tests and CAT Previous Year Question Papers
  3. TIME, IMS, and Career Launcher Study Material: These top CAT coaching institutes provide comprehensive LR modules for structured preparation.
  4. Mock Tests and Sectional Tests: Enrolling in mock test series from platforms like MBAUniverse.com, TIME, IMS, Career Launcher, and Cracku helps with online practice and performance analysis. 
  5. Puzzle and Logical Thinking Books – Books like “A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning” by R.S. Aggarwal and “Puzzles to Puzzle You” by Shakuntala Devi help in strengthening logical thinking skills.
  6. YouTube Channels for DI Preparation: Channels like Rodha, 2IIM CAT, and Cracku have free video lessons for DI preparation. 

7. Logical Reasoning for CAT 2025 Preparation Tips by Toppers

“For DILR, I completed the Arun Sharma book end to end. It really improved my way of tackling the sets. I used to get my doubts clarified if I couldn’t solve a set. Again, I practiced via sectional tests as well, as you need to monitor the time as well. I took coaching from TIME, so their booklets were useful as well to solve high level sets. DILR needs a lot of practice. You need to be able to formulate the right approach” - Srishti Yadav, CAT Topper 99.69%, IIM Kozhikode MBA 2023-25

“Out of 80 pager collation of all DILR cases covering different types of cases that can come up in CAT, I tried to solve them all. With this, I also understood which cases to select and which to avoid (really important as we typically end up solving 1-2 cases in DILR)” – Pooja Sudhakar, CAT Topper 99.11%, SPJIMR PGDM 2023-25

“My key focus areas in DILR preparation were Data Familiarity to get comfortable with different types of data sets and formats; Solved a variety of DILR sets from previous CAT papers; Focused on solving sets quickly while maintaining accuracy; Learned to classify and organize data effectively; Enhanced logical deduction skills for complex problems; Collaborated with peers to solve DILR sets together; Took full-length mock tests to simulate real exam conditions and Allocated time wisely to different sets based on difficulty levels” - Akshat Agarwal, CAT Topper 99.44%, IIT Delhi MBA 2023-25

Many other CAT toppers with 99 and 100 percentile have shared that they found Data Interpretation was their weak area while preparing for CAT. But they improved a lot in it with consistent preparation. Sharing with MBAUniverse.com, these CAT toppers spoke about their preparation strategy for Data Interpretation:

How to Prepare Data Interpretation for CAT: Topper Tips by Rachit Saran, (CAT 99.04 %) 
CAT Topper Rachit Saran explained how he cracked Data Interpretation, “I believe that the difficulty level of this section is usually overrated. I would start with the set that I’m most comfortable with and I would just read carefully and follow the instructions word-by-word. Next, I would try to follow my instincts, use hit and trail, make cases, and eliminate the erroneous ones. Again, practice is what did wonders here. Also, do not be scared of using that on-screen calculator, just make it a friend.”

How to Prepare Data Interpretation for CAT: Topper Tips by Rohan Joshi (99.63% in CAT)
Sharing with MBAUniverse.com, CAT Topper Rohan Joshi (99.63 % in CAT 2017) explained how he cracked DILR section, “CAT is known to ask trickiest questions in this section. I regularly solved different puzzles and Sudoku’s to enhance my logical thinking ability. Gave many sectionals to test my preparation.”

How to Prepare Data Interpretation for CAT: Topper Tips by Abhishek Kumar Pandey (99.63% in CAT)
Speaking to MBAUniverse.com, CAT Topper Abhishek Kumar Pandey (99.63 % in CAT 2017) explained, “I was weak at the LRDI section. I tried to improve by solving as many varieties of LRs and DIs as possible and identify the kind of sets at which I was good. This strategy helped in improving my mock scores.”

How to Prepare Data Interpretation for CAT: Topper Tips by Rachit Gupta, (99.83% in CAT) CAT topper with 99.83 percentile, Rachit Gupta and IIM Lucknow pass out of 2017-19 batch shared with MBAUniverse.com, “For LR/DI, I again practiced questions of each type and emphasized more on wherever I was not so confident.” 

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