IIM Kashipur

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kashipur

Kashipur, Uttarakhand | Established in 2011 | Approved/Accredited by Autonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament | Government | NIRF Rank: #23 MBAUniverse.com Rank: #25 Business Today Rank: #27 MBAUniverse.com Grade: AA+
IIM Kashipur
Last Updated on November 8, 2024 by Prof. SK Agarwal

Set up in 2011 by the Government of India, Indian Institute of Management Kashipur is a second-generation IIM. The institute aspires to achieve excellence in management education by using innovative teaching methods, promoting high quality research and practicing sustainable leadership.  IIM Kashipur is moving on to be an Institute of eminence that fosters management research and education and develops leaders for creating positive societal impact in a changing world. 

IIM Kashipur is a highly ranked B-school with Govt of India NIRF Ranking 2023 at # 19 among top 125 management institutes in the county. IIM Kashipur has a consistent record of 100% placements. In the final placements 2023, IIM Kashipur has registered average salary at Rs.11.11 LPA and Highest Salary of Rs. 37 LPA. IIM Kashipur releases Audited final Placement data a little later after completion of placement process. 

IIM Kashipur offers 2 Years full time MBA, MBA-Analytics, Executive MBA and Doctoral PhD programmes in Management. IIM Kashipur accepts score of CAT exam for admission and participates in IIM CAP Process for final selection. 

The 200 acre campus of IIM Kashipur is bestowed with the bounty of nature’s beauty which lends a wholesome experience to academic rigour. The well equipped campus with ultra modern facilities is located 25 kms away from Jim Corbett National park and is nestled in the lap of Himalayas.

Establishment Year2011
Ownership TypeGovernment
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament
Rankings Business Today #27
MBAUniverse.com #25
NIRF #23
Courses OfferedMBA/PGDM, Executive MBA, PhD/Fellow Program

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kashipur


Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Program Highlight
Program TypeMBA/PGDM
Program NameMaster of Business Administration (MBA)
Duration24 Month
Mode of StudyFull Time
FeesRs. 20.00 Lakhs
Average SalaryRs. 15.04 Lakhs
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament

More MBA/PGDM Programs

Programs NameTotal FeesAverage SalaryAdmission Status
MBA Business AnalyticsRs. 20.00 LakhsRs. 15.04 LakhsOpen Apply now
Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
Program Highlight
Program TypeExecutive MBA
Program NameExecutive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
Duration24 Month
Mode of StudyPart Time
Residential/Non-ResidentialNon Residential
FeesRs. 12.00 Lakhs
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament
Doctoral Programme in Management
Program Highlight
Program TypePhD/Fellow Program
Program NameDoctoral Programme in Management
Duration60 Month
Mode of StudyFull Time

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kashipur


Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Application Status: Closed Apply Now

Application process for admission at IIM Kashipur opens with the start of CAT  registration process. Candidates have to apply for CAT by the last date. There is no need to apply and pay separately for IIM Kashipur Admission

Admission/Selection Process for Candidates for MBA program at IIM Kashipur is through CAT. The selection of the candidates for admission to the MBA at IIM Ranchi is a two-step process.

In the first step, candidates are short-listed for Common Admission Process (CAP) comprising Personal Interview (PI) from among the candidates who have a valid CAT score, who have applied to the programme and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme. Detailed Admission process is as below:

  • The candidate must have appeared and scored the minimum required percentile in CAT. Candidates are short-listed for CAP round which is the common PI round for CAP participating IIMs. 
  • Candidates are shortlisted from among the candidates who have a valid CAT score, who have applied to the programme and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme   
  • After the PI round, IIM Kashipur will award weightages to various parameters and admission offers are made by IIM Kashipur to successful candidates. 
  • The final selection is based on a diverse set of attributes which includes performance in CAT, performance in CAP round, academics, co-curricular and extra-curricular achievements, work experience among others

Admission offer letter would be sent to all successful candidates. Candidates, who are offered admission, need to confirm their acceptance by completing all the required formalities by the stipulated

Exam Accepted

Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
Application Status: Closed Apply Now

Apply online for IIM Kashipur Executive MBA programme at admission website https://emba.iimkashipurportal.org/auth

IIM Kashipur seeks diversity of background and interests, from a wide range of corporations, public institutions and other professional fields. The selection to IIM Kashipur Executive MBA will be based on

  • A valid CAT/GMAT score (last two years) or Marks obtained in Executive Management Aptitude Test (EMAT) conducted by IIM Kashipur
  • The performance of the candidates in the personal interview.

Final merit list will be prepared based on CAT/GMAT/EMAT Score, academic performance, work experience and personal interview. Admission offer is given based on the final merit list.

Exam Accepted

Doctoral Programme in Management
Application Status: Closed Apply Now

Candidates need to apply online for PhD admission with requisite application fees

  • The candidates satisfying the academic eligibility criteria should submit their application online. 
  • Candidates require a standard test score, from any one of the acceptable tests for the area(s) of specialization they are applying to
  • Applicants to take Common Admission Test (CAT) or depending on chosen specializations, alternative test scores in lieu of the CAT score 
  • Based on the applications received, candidates satisfying the Academic eligibility criteria and acceptable standard test score, the shortlisting will be done by the respective Areas. The candidates will be shortlisted (on the recommendation of the respective areas) based on the information provided in the application form. 
  • Three high quality research papers will be provided to all shortlisted Ph.D interview applicants in an area and each of shortlisted applicants can choose one paper of their preference from the list of three papers provided to all of them in the concerned area. The applicants will be asked questions by the interview panel members about their research inclinations and aptitude from their preferred paper, as will be identified by them in the interview.
  • Candidates will be called for the Personal Interview (PI) which will be conducted at IIM Kashipur (online/offline). PI determines the academic preparation of the candidate for the specific area he/she has applied. An applicant can apply at most to two different areas of specialization.
  • IIM Kashipur also expects a consistent and minimum performance under different parameters of Personal Interview (PI), which will be decided by the Admissions Committee. Candidates not meeting the minimum performance in any of the PI parameters will not be considered for the next stage of the selection process.
  • Final selection will be based on the requirements of the academic area to which the candidate has applied and an area-wise offer list that will be prepared by the Areas only.

Exam Accepted


Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kashipur

Cut Off

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kashipur


NIRF Rankings


NIRF Rankings – Parameter wise Scores and Chart

NIRFTotal ScoreTLRRPCGOOIPerception

NIRF Rankings is based on Total Scores attained for following five ranking parameters: a) Teaching, learning, and resources (TLR) b) Research and professional practice (RPC) c) Graduation outcomes (GO) d) Outreach and inclusivity (OI) e) Peer perception (Perception)

MBAUniverse.com Rankings


Business Today Rankings

YearBusiness Today

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kashipur


YearAverage SalaryMedian SalaryHighest SalaryBatch Placed
2024Rs. 15.04 LakhsRs. 0Rs. 29.86 Lakhs100 %
2022Rs. 15.21 LakhsRs. 14.82 LakhsRs. 28.82 Lakhs100 %
2023Rs. 18.11 LakhsRs. 17.20 LakhsRs. 37.00 Lakhs100 %

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No Review available

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kashipur


Hospital & Medical Facilities

Hospital & Medical Facilities

IIM Kashipur has set us a Wellness Centre with doctor, ambulance and other facilities

Shuttle Service

Shuttle Service

IIM  Kashipur offers shuttle services for students, faculty and staff

Sport Complex

Sport Complex

IIM Kashipur sports complex offers outdoor and indoor sports facilities

Wi-Fi Campus

Wi-Fi Campus

IIM Kashipur complete campus is Wi Fi enabled



IIM Kashipur has set up 3 Centers of Excellence - Design Innovation Centre (DIC), Center of Excellence in Public Policy and Government(CoEPPG), Foundation for Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development (FIED) 

A/C Classrooms

A/C Classrooms

Spacious AC classrooms are available at IIM Kashipur



There is cafeteria and canteen apart from mess for students



IIM Kashipur has spacious AC auditorium for various events

Convenience Store

Convenience Store

A convenience store is set up to cater to the daily needs of students



IIM Kashipur has a well equipped Gym to take care of fitness of students



IIM Kashipur Incubator Center is set up as Foundation for Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development (FIED)


Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kashipur

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