Amrita School of Business (ASB) Amritapuri

Amrita School of Business (ASB) Amritapuri

Kollam, Kerala | Established in 2002 | Approved/Accredited by AICTE, NBA, NAAC, AACSB, EFMD, AIU, UGC | Private | MBAUniverse.com Grade: A
Last Updated on December 18, 2024 by Prof. SK Agarwal

Amrita School of Business Director & Faculty

Amrita School of Business Amritapuri is a leading MBA institute in India with nine campuses affiliated to Amrita University. Amrita Amritapuri Fees for 2 years MBA is Rs 8.20 lakhs. It also offers good placements. Amrita Amritapuri MBA Admission 2025 is open. Apply Now. Read latest information on Amrita School of Business Amritapuri Director and Faculty List in this article. 

Amrita School of Business Amritapuri Director & Faculty details are as below:

Amrita University – Amrita Vishwa Vidya Peetham Chancellor: Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, known as Amma, is the Chancellor of Amrita Vishwa Vidya Peetham. She has dedicated her life to spreading a message of peace, tolerance, and compassion. Accessible to one and all, she has embraced more than 40 million people worldwide, and inspired a global volunteer-based humanitarian movement to help alleviate the burden of the poor and suffering. In her role as the Chancellor of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amma has adopted a unique blend of multidisciplinary and compassion driven pathways that focus on research to find solutions for the world’s most pressing issues.

Amrita School of Business Amritapuri Director: Amrita School of Business Amritapuri Director is Prof Raghu Raman. He is Dean & HoS, School of Business, Amritapuri. Prof. Raman has over 30 years of executive management experience at variety of fortune 500 companies and has been with Amrita since its inception. Prof. Raman established the Center for Research in Analytics & Technologies for Education (CREATE), with over $5m in research funding.

Amrita School of Business Amritapuri Faculty: Amrita Amritapuri Faculty List, includes world class faculty drawn from IIMs, Harvard, Berkeley, University at Buffalo, New York Uni. (NYU), Florida State Uni. (FSU), University of Wisconsin-Madison, IIT, XLRI, LSE, ICAI and Cornell. Amrita has 90+ Visiting Faculty with diverse Industry experience, offering a choice of over 40 Electives.

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