IIM Trichy

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Tiruchirappalli

Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu | Established in 2011 | Approved/Accredited by Autonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament | Government | NIRF Rank: #27 MBAUniverse.com Rank: #21 Business Today Rank: #18 MBAUniverse.com Grade: AAA
Last Updated on January 15, 2025 by Prof. SK Agarwal

Established in January 2011, Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli (IIMT) is the eleventh IIM.  Tiruchirappalli is a city known for its prominence in education, spirituality, art and culture and IIM Trichy is getting benefitted from this. IIM Trichy is the second generation IIM and in a short period it has grown up to one of the top B-schools in India. IIMT has a collection of eminent faculty and motivated students which form its backbone. Students are selected after a thorough screening process and IIM Trichy takes care in ensuring an optimal student-teacher ratio to encourage better learning and to impart appropriate guidance.

IIM Tiruchirappalli is a highly ranked B-school with Govt of India NIRF Ranking 2023 at # 22 among top 125 management institutes in the county. IIM Trichy has a consistent record of 100% placements. In the final placements 2024, IIM Trichy has registered average salary at Rs.19.43 LPA and Highest Salary at Rs.43.69 LPA. 

IIM Tiruchirappalli offers 2 Years full time PGPM, PGPM-HR, 2 Years Part Time PGPBM, and other management programmes leading to award of MBA degree. IIM Trichy also offers PhD programme. IIM Trichy accepts score of CAT exam for admission to the flagship 2 year PGPM and PGPM-HR programs leading to MBA degree. 

IIM Tiruchirappalli is functioning from its sprawling state-of-the-art campus spread over 175 acres of land on Trichy-Pudukottai highway, about 11 km from Tiruchirappalli International Airport

Establishment Year2011
Ownership TypeGovernment
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament
Rankings NIRF #27
MBAUniverse.com #21
Business Today #18
Courses OfferedMBA/PGDM, Executive MBA, PhD/Fellow Program

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Tiruchirappalli


Post Graduate Program In Management (PGPM)
Program Highlight
Program TypeMBA/PGDM
Program NamePost Graduate Program In Management (PGPM)
Duration24 Month
Mode of StudyFull Time
FeesRs. 21.00 Lakhs
Average SalaryRs. 19.43 Lakhs
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament

More MBA/PGDM Programs

Programs NameTotal FeesAverage SalaryAdmission Status
PGPM in Human ResourcesRs. 21.00 LakhsRs. 17.88 LakhsClosed
Post Graduate Programme in Management for Working Executives
Program Highlight
Program TypeExecutive MBA
Program NamePost Graduate Programme in Management for Working Executives
Duration24 Month
Mode of StudyPart Time
Residential/Non-ResidentialNon Residential
FeesRs. 14.50 Lakhs
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament
Doctoral Programme in Management
Program Highlight
Program TypePhD/Fellow Program
Program NameDoctoral Programme in Management
Duration60 Month
Mode of StudyFull Time
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Tiruchirappalli


Post Graduate Program In Management (PGPM)
Application Status: Closed

Application process for admission at IIM Trichy opens with the start of CAT  registration process. Candidates have to apply for CAT by the last date. There is no need to apply and pay separately for IIM Trichy Admission

Admission/Selection Process for Candidates for MBA program at IIM Trichy is through CAT Exam and IIM CAP PI round. The selection of the candidates for admission to the MBA at IIM Tiruchirappalli is a two-step process.

In the first step, candidates are short-listed for Common Admission Process (CAP) comprising Personal Interview (PI) from among the candidates who have a valid CAT score, who have applied to the programme and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme. Detailed Admission process is as below:

  • The candidate must have appeared and scored the minimum required percentile in CAT. Candidates are short-listed for CAP round which is the common PI round for CAP participating IIMs. 
  • Candidates are shortlisted from among the candidates who have a valid CAT score, who have applied to the programme and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme   
  • After the PI round, IIM Trichy will award weightages to various parameters and admission offers are made by IIM Trichy to successful candidates. 
  • The final selection is based on a diverse set of attributes which includes performance in CAT, performance in CAP round, academics, co-curricular and extra-curricular achievements, work experience among others

Admission offer letter would be sent to all successful candidates. Candidates, who are offered admission, need to confirm their acceptance by completing all the required formalities by the stipulated

Exam Accepted

Post Graduate Programme in Management for Working Executives
Application Status: Closed

Interested candidates will have to apply in the prescribed format through the application form available on IIM Trichy website with requisite application fees.

  • Apply Online with application fee of Rs.2000
  • Maintain a valid and unique email account and a mobile number throughout the selection process
  • All candidates who meet the eligibility criteria and with applications complete in all respects will be called for a written test. The written exam will test the candidates on their quantitative ability, verbal ability, data interpretation, and logical reasoning skills. The examination will be for about 150 minutes.
  • Candidates having a valid test score of CAT 2023 or GMAT score (test taken between May 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024) are exempted from the Written Test. They may or may not go for written test
  • Candidates will be shortlisted for a Personal Interview based on their CAT, GMAT or written test scores as applicable. Only the candidates selected for Personal Interview (PI) would be intimated by email.
  • A merit list of successful candidates will be prepared 
  • Admission offers will be sent to only the candidates in merit list
Doctoral Programme in Management
Application Status: Closed

The selection process at IIM Tiruchirappalli is multi-staged. All stages of this process are equally important for a potential candidate seeking admission into the program.

Stage 1: Submission of the application form. Begin the application process by submitting application form and all associated submissions (academic record documents, certificates, qualifying examination scores, application fees etc.) At this stage, candidates express their interest in pursuing their Ph.D. at IIMT by choosing to apply to one or two areas of interest. 
Stage 2: Research Aptitude Examination. This will be a written examination, that is conducted by some of the areas. This examination is conducted to test the candidate's research aptitude in a particular area of specialization. Thus, the content of the examination is very specific to the area. It may range from an examination of the candidates’ quantitative aptitude to their ability to understand and analyze/ synthesize research papers.
Stage 3:  Area Interview: All candidates shortlisted in Stage 1, will be required to attend the personal interview with members of/ experts in their chosen area of specialization. Candidates who clear this stage of the process will be sent an offer of admission to the Ph.D. Programme in Management at IIM Tiruchirappalli.

IIM Tiruchirappalli will reimburse travel expenses limited to III AC train fare (with a maximum cap), to shortlisted candidates. The details of travel reimbursement will be shared with the shortlisted candidates.


Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Tiruchirappalli

Cut Off

Post Graduate Program In Management (PGPM)

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Tiruchirappalli


NIRF Rankings


NIRF Rankings – Parameter wise Scores and Chart

NIRFTotal ScoreTLRRPCGOOIPerception

NIRF Rankings is based on Total Scores attained for following five ranking parameters: a) Teaching, learning, and resources (TLR) b) Research and professional practice (RPC) c) Graduation outcomes (GO) d) Outreach and inclusivity (OI) e) Peer perception (Perception)

MBAUniverse.com Rankings


Business Today Rankings

YearBusiness Today

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Tiruchirappalli


YearAverage SalaryMedian SalaryHighest SalaryBatch Placed
2024Rs. 19.43 LakhsRs. 18.24 LakhsRs. 43.69 Lakhs100 %
2023Rs. 20.55 LakhsRs. 19.50 LakhsRs. 41.61 Lakhs100 %
2022Rs. 17.01 LakhsRs. 16.00 LakhsRs. 34.00 Lakhs100 %

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Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Tiruchirappalli


A/C Classrooms

A/C Classrooms

IIM Trichy has all AC class rooms of different capacity 



There s a cafeteria and canteen apart from mess at IIM Trichy



There are Finance Lab, Behavioural Lab at IIM Trichy



There are 6 Hostel Bocks at IIM Trichy



Well Equipped Library known as Learning Resource Centre is established



IIM Trichy has spacious auditorium to host large events

Convenience Store

Convenience Store

A convenience store is established to cater to the needs of students



To take care of students’ fitness a well equipped Gym is functional at IIM Trichy

Hospital & Medical Facilities

Hospital & Medical Facilities

Well equipped Medical Centre under the supervision of doctor operates at IIM Trichy



IIM Trichy has incubator to encourage career growth

Shuttle Service

Shuttle Service

IIM Trichy offers shuttle service to its students, faculty and staff

Sport Complex

Sport Complex

Well equipped sports complex with outdoor and indoor sports facilities functions at IIM Trichy

Wi-Fi Campus

Wi-Fi Campus

IIM Trichy has wi-fi enabled campus



IIM Trichy has Multi Purpose Hall to host events organized by LRC



Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Tiruchirappalli

Take a look at Campus


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