
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) Pune

Pune, Maharashtra | Established in 1978 | Approved/Accredited by UGC | Private | NIRF Rank: #13 Business Today Rank: #12 MBAUniverse.com Grade: AAA
Last Updated on November 8, 2024 by Prof. SK Agarwal

Established in 1978, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Pune is a premier B-School of India recognized for its excellence in academics, high quality management programme and its valuable contributions to industry, society and students. SIBM Pune is the key constituent MBA college of Symbiosis International (Deemed) University, Pune.
SIBM Pune was ranked 17th in NIRF B-School Ranking 2023 Management by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. SIBM Pune has consistent record of 100% placements over the years. In placement 2024, SIBM Pune has registered the highest package at Rs.49 LPA with a 40% increase from last year, the average salary at Rs.28.16 LPA has registered an increase of 5% from last year and Median Salary at Rs.25 LPA has also registered a good increase. BFSI and IT/Ecommerce emerged as top recruiting sectors with 23% and 21% share respectively. Top Recruiters include Accenture, Godrej, Cipla, Deloitte, Bajaj, Tata, among many others. 

SIBM Pune offers 2 years full time MBA and 2 years full time MBA (Innovation and Entrepreneurship) and Executive MBA programme for working professional offered during weekends. MBA offered at SIBM,Pune is the flagship management programme of the institute. Admission to SIBM Pune MBA programmes is through SNAP Test conducted by SIU Pune. The institute does not accept score of any other exam for admission.

Housed in 44.87 acres campus, SIBM Pune has excellent infrastructure with 13 AC class rooms, Auditorium, Seminar Hall, Conference room, two conference rooms, two computers labs, marketing lab, Bloomberg lab, placement room, QIC room, Sick room, Gymnasium, cafeteria, sports complex with facilities of indoor and outdoor sports, 3 hostel blocks with Separate hostels for girls and boys with double, triple and tetra sharing rooms with access-points linking to the campus-wide network and the various network resources and services. 

Establishment Year1978
Ownership TypePrivate
Approved/Accredited byUGC
Rankings NIRF #13
Business Today #12
Courses OfferedMBA/PGDM, Executive MBA

Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) Pune


Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Program Highlight
Program TypeMBA/PGDM
Program NameMaster of Business Administration (MBA)
Duration24 Month
Mode of StudyFull Time
FeesRs. 26.80 Lakhs
Average SalaryRs. 28.16 Lakhs
Approved/Accredited byUGC

More MBA/PGDM Programs

Programs NameTotal FeesAverage SalaryAdmission Status
Master of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship and InnovationRs. 19.80 Lakhs-Closed
Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
Program Highlight
Program TypeExecutive MBA
Program NameExecutive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
Duration24 Month
Mode of StudyPart Time
Residential/Non-ResidentialNon Residential
FeesRs. 7.03 Lakhs
Approved/Accredited byUGC

Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) Pune


Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Application Status: Closed

The step by step process for admission to MBA programme at SIBM Pune is as follows:

  • Step 1: The candidate must apply and appear and score the minimum required percentile in SNAP Test
  • Step 2: Along with submitting application for SNAP exam, candidates should register and apply for admission to SIBM Pune by paying additional registration fee of Rs.1000/- per programme through SNAP application form  
  • Step 3: Preserve the Admit Card of SNAP Test for further selection process at SIBM, Pune. Appearing for SNAP Test does not automatically qualify an applicant for the next step in SIBM, Pune selection process
  • Step 4: SIBM Pune Shortlist Criteria is based on SNAP exam score. For MBA admission, every year SIBM Pune shortlist criteria is announced. Shortlisted candidates are called for GE-WAT-PI Round from among the candidates who have a valid SNAP score, who have applied for admission to SIBM Pune and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme  
  • Step 5: The final admission round in SIBM Pune MBA selection process will be held separately at SIBM Pune campus
  • Step 6: After the GE-PI-WAT round, final admission offers will be made to successful candidates. Admission offer will be based on the weightage awarded to SNAP score, GE, WAT, PI and institute specific marks. Offer letters will be sent to the mailing address provided in the application form as also by email.

Exam Accepted

Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
Application Status: Closed

MBA Executive admission at SIBM Pune is two step process as below:

  • Submission of application for admission with requisite application fees 
  • Participation in Personal Interview. Final admission of students shall be done on the basis of Personal Interview. Personal Interview is focused more on getting to know the candidate than testing only the knowledge of the candidate

Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) Pune

Cut Off

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
SNAP40 / 60

Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) Pune


NIRF Rankings


NIRF Rankings – Parameter wise Scores and Chart

NIRFTotal ScoreTLRRPCGOOIPerception

NIRF Rankings is based on Total Scores attained for following five ranking parameters: a) Teaching, learning, and resources (TLR) b) Research and professional practice (RPC) c) Graduation outcomes (GO) d) Outreach and inclusivity (OI) e) Peer perception (Perception)

Business Today Rankings

YearBusiness Today

Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) Pune


YearAverage SalaryMedian SalaryHighest SalaryBatch Placed
2024Rs. 28.16 LakhsRs. 25.00 LakhsRs. 49.00 Lakhs100 %
2023Rs. 26.77 LakhsRs. 24.00 LakhsRs. 35.05 Lakhs100 %
2022Rs. 23.06 LakhsRs. 20.80 LakhsRs. 45.50 Lakhs100 %

Top Recruiters

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Overall Reviews

No Review available

Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) Pune


A/C Classrooms

A/C Classrooms

SIBM Pune has all the AC class rooms with spacious seating capacity



SIBM Pune has an all-day cafeteria catering to the diverse taste buds on campus



SIBM Pune has two computer labs, marketing lab, Bloomberg lab 



SIBM Pune has 3 hostel blocks with Separate hostels for girls and boys



Access to Central Library of SIU Pune is available with reference and lending facilities for books, reports, journals, periodicals, CDs and video cassettes



SIBM Pune has spacious AC Auditorium with a seating capacity of 600, apart from Convention centre

Convenience Store

Convenience Store

A convenience store caters to the daily needs of the students



A state-of-the-art gym provides students ample fitness opportunity 

Hospital & Medical Facilities

Hospital & Medical Facilities

Symbiosis Centre for Health Care (SCHC) is an in-house Health Care Centre with a team of specialist doctors



Incubation Centre is set up to encourage entrepreneurship among students

Shuttle Service

Shuttle Service

SIBM Pune offers shuttle service to students, faculty and staff

Sport Complex

Sport Complex

SIBM Pune has well equipped sports complex with indoor and outdoor sports facilities

Wi-Fi Campus

Wi-Fi Campus

SIBM Pune campus is Wi Fi enabled with fast networking facility



SIBM Pune campus has various recreation facilities including Yoga, Aerobics and Zumba dance classes 


Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) Pune

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