IIM Raipur

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Raipur

Raipur, Chhattisgarh | Established in 2010 | Approved/Accredited by Autonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament | Government | NIRF Rank: #14 MBAUniverse.com Rank: #23 Business Today Rank: #16 MBAUniverse.com Grade: AAA
IIM Raipur
Last Updated on January 28, 2025 by Prof. SK Agarwal

Set up in 2010 by the Government of India, in the capital of Chhattisgarh, Indian Institute of Management Raipur is a second-generation IIM. Chhattisgarh is one of the fastest growing states of India with its rich mineral, forest, natural and local resources. IIM Raipur – Dream B School for CAT aspirants, believes in preparing ethical leaders who are not only committed to business, commerce and industry but are also socially conscious towards their contribution in nation building and bring in name for the country globally. The institute is abuzz with activities carried by the student clubs which are now expanding their scope of activity and bringing luminaries from the Corporate.

IIM Raipur is a highly ranked B-school with Govt of India NIRF Ranking 2023 at # 11 among top 125 management institutes in the county. IIM Raipur has a consistent record of 100% placements. In the final placements 2024, IIM Raipur has registered average salary at Rs.19.70 LPA and Highest Salary at Rs.43.40 LPA. 

IIM Raipur offers 2 Years full time PGPM, EPGP and EPGP-HRM leading to award of MBA degree. IIM Raipur also offers FPM leading to award of PhD. IIM Raipur accepts score of CAT exam for admission to the flagship 2 year PGPM (MBA) program. 

The 200 acres campus of  IIM Raipur in Atal Nagar, is a state-of-the-art campus presenting a blissful mix of modern architecture, culture & heritage of Chhattisgarh. The Government of Chhattisgarh had allotted the land for IIM Raipur new campus.

Establishment Year2010
Ownership TypeGovernment
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament
Rankings Business Today #16
MBAUniverse.com #23
NIRF #14
Courses OfferedMBA/PGDM, Executive MBA, PhD/Fellow Program

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Raipur


Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
Program Highlight
Program TypeMBA/PGDM
Program NamePost Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
Duration24 Month
Mode of StudyFull Time
FeesRs. 18.00 Lakhs
Average SalaryRs. 19.70 Lakhs
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament

More MBA/PGDM Programs

Programs NameTotal FeesAverage SalaryAdmission Status
Executive Post-Graduate Programme-HRMRs. 13.25 Lakhs-Closed
Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management (EPGP)
Program Highlight
Program TypeExecutive MBA
Program NameExecutive Post Graduate Programme in Management (EPGP)
Duration24 Month
Mode of StudyPart Time
Residential/Non-ResidentialNon Residential
FeesRs. 13.25 Lakhs
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament
Fellow Programme in Management
Program Highlight
Program TypePhD/Fellow Program
Program NameFellow Programme in Management
Duration48 Month
Mode of StudyFull Time
FeesRs. 0
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Raipur


Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
Application Status: Closed

Admission/Selection Process for Candidates for MBA program at IIM Raipur is through CAT Exam and IIM CAP PI round. The selection of the candidates for admission to the MBA at IIM Raipur is a two-step process.

In the first step, candidates are short-listed for Common Admission Process (CAP) comprising Personal Interview (PI) from among the candidates who have a valid CAT score, who have applied to the programme and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme. Detailed Admission process is as below:

  • The candidate must have appeared and scored the minimum required percentile in CAT. Candidates are short-listed for CAP round which is the common PI round for CAP participating IIMs. 
  • Candidates are shortlisted from among the candidates who have a valid CAT score, who have applied to the programme and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme   
  • After the PI round, IIM Raipur will award weightages to various parameters and admission offers are made by IIM Raipur to successful candidates. 
  • The final selection is based on a diverse set of attributes which includes performance in CAT, performance in CAP round, academics, co-curricular and extra-curricular achievements, work experience among others

Admission offer letter would be sent to all successful candidates. Candidates, who are offered admission, need to confirm their acceptance by completing all the required formalities by the stipulated

Exam Accepted

Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management (EPGP)
Application Status: Closed

Eligible candidates should apply online at IIM Raipur ePGP admission portal by paying the requisite fee and enclosing the required documents.

The selection process is designed to ensure significant diversity in academic, business, and cultural backgrounds. Step by Step process for IIM Raipur ePGP admission is as below:

  • Submit Application Online
  • Applicants will be shortlisted for Personal Interview round based on Academic performance at senior secondary level, Academic performance at Bachelors’ level or equivalent, Work experience and profile (Composite score on work experience varies on the basis of experience of the candidate), Academic and Gender Diversity factor
  • Personal Interview will be conducted for all the candidates clearing the shortlisting process. The shortlisted candidates will be required to appear before a panel for personal interview. Candidates will be evaluated on 5 parameters namely, Richness of Industry Experience, Communication Skills, Leadership Aptitude, Team Spirit and Ethical Orientation.
  • The final selection of candidates for enrolment into the programme is based on a composite score, computed based on two parameters, viz., Personal Interview (50%) and Candidate Profile (50%). The detail of weightages assigned to each parameter is as listed below.
  • Selected candidates will be offered admission
  • An Offer Acceptance fees of Rs.1,00,000 should be paid while accepting the admission offer. 
Fellow Programme in Management
Application Status: Closed


Candidates should apply online at IIM Raipur PhD admission portal with requisite application fees

  • On successful submission of application for PhD admission, IIM Raipur will shortlist the candidates based on Test Score cut off (CAT/GRE/GMAT/GATE/JRF-UGC/CSIR/UGC-NET) for PI round
  • The admission office in consultation with the admission committee and as per the mandated cut-offs (category wise) will decide the number of candidates to be called for PI across specializations
  • Shortlisted candidates have to appear for a personal interview at IIM Raipur in front of the selection panel. The selection panel will assess the suitability of the candidates for research work based on the portfolio of the candidate. The committee will look into a consistently good academic record, professional accomplishments, research interest
  • Final Merit Lists for PhD admission will be prepared specialization-wise based on Academic Qualification and Personal Interview 

Exam Accepted


Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Raipur

Cut Off

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Raipur


NIRF Rankings


NIRF Rankings – Parameter wise Scores and Chart

NIRFTotal ScoreTLRRPCGOOIPerception

NIRF Rankings is based on Total Scores attained for following five ranking parameters: a) Teaching, learning, and resources (TLR) b) Research and professional practice (RPC) c) Graduation outcomes (GO) d) Outreach and inclusivity (OI) e) Peer perception (Perception)

MBAUniverse.com Rankings


Business Today Rankings

YearBusiness Today

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Raipur


YearAverage SalaryMedian SalaryHighest SalaryBatch Placed
2024Rs. 19.70 LakhsRs. 18.50 LakhsRs. 43.50 Lakhs100 %
2023Rs. 21.04 LakhsRs. 20.00 LakhsRs. 67.60 Lakhs100 %
2022Rs. 17.73 LakhsRs. 16.95 LakhsRs. 42.15 Lakhs100 %

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Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Raipur


A/C Classrooms

A/C Classrooms

IIM Raipur has all the AC classrooms



Cafeteria and canteen apart from Mess are available at IIM Raipur



IIM Raipur has well equipped computer Lab and other Labs



IIM Raipur provides individual hostel rooms with attached bathrooms  



There is a rich library at IIM Raipur with print and digital study and research material



IIM Raipur has spacious large auditorium to organize various events

Convenience Store

Convenience Store

A convenience store is set up to provide for the daily needs of the students 



IIM Raipur has a well equipped Gym to take care of fitness of students

Hospital & Medical Facilities

Hospital & Medical Facilities

IIM Raipur has well equipped medical facilities with a doctor and ambulance service



Centres of Excellence at IIM Raipur has incubator facility

Shuttle Service

Shuttle Service

IIM Raipur provides shuttle service to students, faculty and staff

Sport Complex

Sport Complex

IIM Raipur sports complex offers outdoor and indoor sports facilities

Wi-Fi Campus

Wi-Fi Campus

IIM Raipur complete campus is Wi-Fi enabled including hostels



IIM Raipur has centers of excellence in Executive Coaching and Advisory Services, Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Center of Energy Management, Center of Supply Chain Management


Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Raipur

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