MAT question papers are the most important preparation tool for MAT exam preparation. Practicing with previous year MAT question papers will help candidates to understand actual MAT exam pattern, sectional composition, difficulty level with real MAT exam feel. MAT question paper will also help in getting close to types of questions in MAT exam and devise your preparation strategy.
To help MAT Aspirants, Experts at have prepared MAT Question Papers with different difficulty level based on the latest MAT Exam Papers.
MAT Previous Question Paper is the actual MAT paper with answers. The MAT previous papers are the best guide to prepare for MAT exam. The MAT previous papers are divided into same number of sections with same number of questions of actual MAT exam difficulty level. You can attempt MAT question papers including MAT Past Year Question Papers Online. These are all free online MAT Question Papers.
MAT exam is divided in 5 Sections. The pattern of MAT Mock Test offered by Mock and coaching companies is also similar as below:
MAT Exam Components | No of Questions (All MCQs) | Sectional Time Limit (In Minutes) | Scoring Pattern (Negative Marking is only for MCQs) |
Section 1: Language Comprehension | 30 | No Time Limit | +1 for Correct Answer; -0.25 for Incorrect Answer; 0 for Not Attempted |
Section 2: Intelligence and Critical Reasoning | 30 | No Time Limit | +1 for Correct Answer; -0.25 for Incorrect Answer; 0 for Not Attempted |
Section 3: Data Analysis and Data Sufficiency | 30 | No Time Limit | +1 for Correct Answer; -0.25 for Incorrect Answer; 0 for Not Attempted |
Section 4: Mathematical Skills | 30 | No Time Limit | +1 for Correct Answer; -0.25 for Incorrect Answer; 0 for Not Attempted |
Section 5: Economic & Business Environment | 30 | No Time Limit | +1 for Correct Answer; -0.25 for Incorrect Answer; 0 for Not Attempted |
Total | 150 | 120 Minutes | - |
You can take Online MAT question paper from moderate difficulty level to higher difficulty level. To take the MAT 2024 question paper, you need to take following simple steps:
Step-1: Visit this MAT Previous Year Question Paper page. Click on ‘Take Test Now’. This will take you to free registration window.
Step-2: Register Free in two minutes and Submit
Step-3: You are directed to MAT Previous Paper. Start taking the MAT paper
There are online MAT Exam question papers by with MAT questions with solutions. In fact it is the MAT Previous Year Question Papers Book with answers. Each of the online MAT question paper for MAT is actual MAT question paper. You can proceed to attempt MAT previous question papers one by one.