With so many XAT Preparation books flooding the market, it is not only difficult but also confusing to choose the best and most relevant preparation books for XAT exam. Making the right choice of subject wise XAT books to crack XAT 2025 is the first step in your XAT preparation journey. XAT toppers and mentors suggest a five point check list to choose the best Books for XAT Preparation as below:
Best Preparation Books for XAT 2025: 5 Point Check List
If you are preparing for XAT 2025 exam with an aim of getting admission in 2025 in XLRI and one of the top MBA Colleges accepting XAT score. The best time to prepare for the XAT exam is now. Reading the best XAT preparation books could be the best preparation strategy for you. We have reviewed the List of Best Books for XAT Preparation 2025 by popular authors and publishers, for example Arun Sharma XAT books, Arihant Reasoning books and other books recommended by toppers. In this article, we will share the detailed review of the best XAT books for XAT preparation 2025 section wise. Read the Table of Contents below:
Pursuing MBA from XLRI, XIMB, MICA, IMI, IMT by scoring high in XAT exam needs a good preparation strategy through books for XAT preparation. So, which are the best books for XAT preparation and for first time XAT takers and second or third time XAT takers, which books are best to start preparing for XAT? MBAUniverse.com comes to help you with the 10 best recommended books for XAT exam preparation and guidelines how to choose from these books.
XAT toppers at XLRI, XIMB, MICA, IMI have recommended the following authors’ Books which are good for XAT and CAT both:
XAT Books by Arun Sharma with Key Features, Price
VALR, DM, QADI Best XAT Books by Arun Sharma & Other Best Authors
How to choose Best XAT Preparation Books? Key Factors to Consider