TANCET Result Release Date 2025 is expected in the last week of March 2025. You can download TANCET exam result with your score card from the official TANCET website https://tancet.annauniv.edu. A direct link ‘Result’ will be enabled at TANCET exam website. To check TANCET 2025 result, candidates need to login with their Email id & password at the link. After downloading the TANCET result 2025, you should verify the important details in your score card like your name, photograph, category, TANCET registration number, TANCET sectional and overall score and percentile. TANCET 2025 exam date is expected on March 8, 2025.
Read below the important details about TANCET exam 2025 result, how to download TANCET result, key details to check in the score card, action points after TANCET result and more
The score card for TANCET Score 2025 can be downloaded from the website by the candidates on the TANCET Result Release Date. It may be noted that last date to download TANCET score card is a month from the declaration of TANCET result. You can download your TANCET 2025 score card from TANCET website by login with your E-Mail ID and Password in following steps:
Previous year TANCET Exam Result Login window is as below:
TANCET 2025 score normalization formula is:
Q. How can I check my TANCET result?
A. You can check your TANCET Result on TANCET Result Date by login at official TANCET Exam website with your Email ID and Password
Q. Is 45 a good score in TANCET?
A. Yes, 45 marks in TANCET is a good score which can lead to MBA admission in many top MBA colleges of Tamil Nadu.
Q. When will the TANCET 2025 Result Out?
A. TANCET 2025 result will be released within a month of the exam date.